7.2″ Box Rib
22, 24, 26
22 Ga. – 5lb./LF
24 Ga. – 4lb./LF
26 Ga. – 3lb./LF
Kynar 500®/ Hylar 5000®
35-Year Limited Paint Warranty.
Painted, Galvalume, Bonderized, Rezibond, 2-Tone, Core-Ten, Vintage, 16 & 20 oz. Copper
Epic Steel follows the national A.I.S.I. (American Iron and Steel Institute) specifications manual for tolerances in galvanized sheet metal.
All gauges conform to ASTM: A525, A792, A606, A653, and A924 Grade D (50,000 min. yield) unless otherwise designated at time of order.
Application Details:
Minimum Slope Requirement
Screw Application
Roof Application
Wall Application

Minimum Slope Requirement

Screw Application
|#10 Wood grip fasteners are designed for use with dimensional lumber, #14 Wood grip fasteners are designed for use with plywood sheeting, OSB, and wafer wood (7/16” minimum thickness). #12 Tek screws are designed to be used with structural steel up to 3/16” in thickness.

Roof Application
|Fasteners are to be applied at the bottom of every rib valley, every 3 feet. Please note that it is the responsibility of the builder to ensure that purlins are adequately spaced to meet specific engineering requirements.

Wall Application
|Fasteners are to be applied at the bottom of every rib valley, every 3-4 feet. Please note that it is the responsibility of the builder to ensure that purlins are adequately spaced to meet specific engineering requirements.
EPIC Steel is neither partially nor solely responsible for improper installation or defects as a result of installation.